SSI Boat Diving Speciality (Bali)

SSI Boat Diving Speciality (Bali) Course
Price: $

The SSI Boat Diving Specialty Course is designed to give divers the skills and knowledge to safely and enjoyably dive from a boat. The course is conducted over 2 days and includes both theory and practical sessions.

On the first day, students will learn about the different types of boats used for diving, dive site selection, dive planning, and safety procedures. They will also learn how to identify and deal with common problems that can occur when diving from a boat.

The second day of the course is conducted as a series of dives from a boat. Students will put into practice what they have learned in the theory sessions, and will have the opportunity to explore different types of dive sites that can only be accessed from a boat.

At the end of the course, students will be able to safely and confidently dive from a boat, and will have a better understanding of how to plan and execute a successful dive.


SSI Boat Diving Speciality (Bali) Essentials

This SSI Boat Diving Speciality course in Bali will teach you the essential skills and knowledge for diving from a boat. You will learn about the different types of boats, how to set up your dive gear, and the safety procedures for diving from a boat. This course is perfect for those who want to dive from a boat in Bali, or anywhere else in the world.

  • Prerequisites

    • Be at least 10 years of age or older
    • Be a certified diver
  • Includes

    • SSI Boat Diving Course Materials
    • SSI Boat Diving Course e-Card Certification
    • 2 Open Sea Dives
    • Full Set Diving Equipment For Entire Course
    • Instructor Fees
    • Lunch, Water and Towels
    • Two-Way Transfers From Your Hotel
Bali Diving Course Call To Action

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SSI Boat Diving Speciality (Bali) Components

The SSI Boat Diving Speciality course is made up of four different components:

1. The academic component, which covers topics such as dive planning, dive safety and emergency procedures.
2. The practical component, which includes a series of boat dives conducted under the supervision of a qualified instructor.
3. The final examination, which tests the students’ knowledge and understanding of the course material.
4. The certification, which is awarded upon successful completion of the course.

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn SSI Boat Diving Speciality (Bali)

Divers who want to explore the underwater world around Bali should take the SSI Boat Diving Speciality course. This course will teach you the skills and knowledge you need to safely and effectively dive from a boat. Here are 5 reasons why you should take this course:

1. Learn how to safely enter and exit a boat

The SSI Boat Diving Specialty (Bali) course will teach you how to safely enter and exit a boat. You will also learn about the different types of boats, their features and how to dive from them.

2. Get tips on how to effectively use a dive flag

The dive flag is an essential safety precaution when diving, and it is important to know how to effectively use one. The SSI Boat Diving Speciality course will teach you how to use a dive flag properly, and it will also give you tips on how to stay safe while diving.

3. Understand the different types of boat anchors and how to use them

Different types of boat anchors are designed for different types of bottom substrates and holding conditions. The SSI Boat Diving Speciality (Bali) course will teach you about the different types of boat anchors, how to use them, and how to select the appropriate anchor for the conditions.

4. Find out how to deal with strong currents

The SSI Boat Diving Specialty (Bali) teaches divers how to safely dive in areas with strong currents. The course covers topics such as how to use dive boats, how to dive in currents, and how to safely exit the water.

5. Get guidance on how to plan and execute a successful boat dive

Boat diving can be a great way to explore the underwater world, but it’s important to be prepared and know what you’re doing before you dive in. The SSI Boat Diving Speciality course will teach you how to plan and execute a successful boat dive, so you can make the most of your time underwater.

SSI Boat Diving Speciality (Bali) Topics

The physics of boat diving
The hazards associated with boat diving

There are many potential hazards associated with boat diving, and it is important to be aware of them before embarking on a diving trip. One of the most common hazards is the risk of being struck by the boat while diving. This can happen if the boat is not properly anchored, or if the dive flag is not properly displayed. Other hazards include getting tangled in the anchor line, getting caught in the propeller, and being swept overboard by a wave.

Another hazard to be aware of is the risk of getting sick from drinking contaminated water. This can happen if the boat’s water tank is not properly cleaned, or if the boat is moored in water that is contaminated with sewage.

Finally, it is also important to be aware of the risks associated with diving in general, such as decompression sickness and nitrogen narcosis. Boat diving can be a great way to enjoy the underwater world, but it is important to be aware of the risks involved and take the necessary precautions.

The dive gear required for boat diving

The SSI Boat Diving Specialty scuba diving program is designed to familiarize divers with the skills and procedures necessary for safely and effectively diving from a boat. The program covers topics such as dive planning, dive site selection, dive equipment selection and preparation, and emergency procedures. Upon completion of the program, participants should be able to safely and confidently dive from a boat.

The dive planning considerations for boat diving

Boat diving can be a great way to explore the underwater world, but there are some things to keep in mind when planning a dive from a boat. First, you’ll need to consider the type of boat you’ll be diving from. If the boat is small, there may not be a lot of room to store gear, so you’ll need to plan accordingly. Second, you’ll need to take into account the tidal conditions where you’ll be diving. If the tide is strong, you’ll need to be careful of currents and plan your dive accordingly. Finally, you’ll need to consider the weather conditions. If the weather is bad, it may not be safe to dive, so you’ll need to check the forecast before planning your dive.

The emergency procedures for boat diving

Boat diving is a great way to explore the underwater world, but it’s important to be prepared in case of an emergency. The SSI Boat Diving Speciality course will teach you the skills and knowledge you need to safely dive from a boat.

You’ll learn about different types of boats and how to select the right one for diving, how to properly secure your gear, and how to enter and exit the water safely. You’ll also learn what to do in case of an emergency, such as how to signal for help and how to provide first aid.

The SSI Boat Diving Speciality course is the perfect way to prepare for a safe and fun boat diving adventure.