PADI Discover Technical Diving (Bali)

PADI Discover Technical Diving (Bali)

Looking for a new challenge in diving? PADI Discover Technical Diving in Bali is your answer. This course will take your diving to the next level, exploring deeper depths and learning new techniques.

You will learn about dive planning, gas management and decompression theory, and put it into practice with 4 dives over 2 days. This is a great opportunity to see the amazing underwater world in Bali from a whole new perspective.


PADI Discover Technical Diving (Bali) Essentials

The PADI Discover Technical Diving (Bali) course is designed to give divers an introduction to the world of technical diving. The course is made up of four main components:

– Classroom theory: This part of the course covers the basic concepts of technical diving, including gas management, decompression theory and dive planning.

– Pool training: This is where divers get to practice some of the skills they will need for technical diving, such as using double tanks and handling decompression stops.

– Open water training: This is where divers put their skills to the test in actual open water conditions. Divers will complete two technical dives, with a maximum depth of 40 metres.

– Debrief and review: After the open water dives, divers will debrief with their instructor to discuss what went well and what could be improved.

  • Prerequisites

  • Includes

Bali Diving Course Call To Action

Don't hold your breath

Blow some bubbles with us

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PADI Discover Technical Diving (Bali) Components

Technical diving is an exciting way to explore the underwater world, and PADI’s Discover Technical Diving course in Bali is the perfect way to get started. This course will teach you the essential skills and knowledge you need to safely and confidently dive to depths of up to 40 metres. You’ll learn about dive planning, gas management, and decompression theory, and you’ll get to experience the thrills of diving with twin tanks and a back-mounted rebreather. With PADI’s Discover Technical Diving course, you’ll be able to discover a whole new world of underwater adventure.

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn PADI Discover Technical Diving (Bali)

Technical diving is an exciting way to take your diving to the next level. If you’re looking for an adventure and want to explore the underwater world in a new way, then taking the PADI Discover Technical Diving course in Bali is a great choice. Here are 5 reasons why:

1. Learn new diving skills and techniques

PADI Discover Technical Diving is a great way to learn new diving skills and techniques. The course is designed for divers who want to extend their diving knowledge and skills, and learn about technical diving. The course covers topics such as dive planning, gas management, decompression theory, and diving equipment.

2. Explore different types of dive sites

PADI Discover Technical Diving is a program that is designed to introduce divers to the different types of dive sites that are available to them. This program is perfect for divers who want to explore the different types of diving that are available, and for those who want to learn more about the technical aspects of diving. The program is divided into four parts, and each part is designed to teach divers about a different type of dive site. The first part of the program is designed to introduce divers to the different types of dive sites that are available. The second part of the program is designed to teach divers about the different types of dive equipment that are available. The third part of the program is designed to teach divers about the different types of dive techniques that are available. The fourth part of the program is designed to teach divers about the different types of dive safety procedures that are available.

3. Meet other technical divers and make new friends

PADI Discover Technical Diving (Bali) is a great place to meet other technical divers and make new friends. The course is designed to give divers a taste of what technical diving is all about, and the instructors are experienced and knowledgeable. The facilities are top-notch, and the location is beautiful. If you’re looking for a place to learn about technical diving and meet other like-minded divers, PADI Discover Technical Diving (Bali) is the perfect choice.

4. Gain experience in deeper diving


5. Have a lot of fun!

PADI Discover Technical Diving (Bali) is a great way to learn about technical diving and to have a lot of fun! The course is designed for divers who want to learn about technical diving and to have a lot of fun! The course is taught by PADI instructors who are experienced technical divers. The course includes four days of diving, two days of classroom instruction, and two days of practical training.

PADI Discover Technical Diving (Bali) Topics

The PADI Discover Technical Diving (Bali) course is designed to give you an introduction to technical diving.
You will learn about the different types of technical dives, and how to plan and execute them safely.

Technical diving is a type of diving that requires special training, equipment, and experience. It includes dives that are deeper than 130 feet (40 meters), dives that are done in overhead environments (such as caves or wrecks), and dives that involve decompression stops. Technical diving is more complex and dangerous than recreational diving, and it should only be done by experienced divers who have the proper training and equipment.

There are three main types of technical dives:

– Deep dives: These dives are deeper than 130 feet (40 meters). Deep dives require special equipment and training, and they carry a higher risk of decompression sickness.

– Overhead dives: These dives are done in overhead environments, such as caves or wrecks. They require special equipment and training, and they carry a higher risk of entrapment.

– Decompression dives: These dives involve decompression stops. They require special equipment and training, and they carry a higher risk of decompression sickness.

You will learn about gas management, decompression theory, and dive physiology.

In this course, you will learn about gas management, decompression theory, and dive physiology. You will also learn about dive equipment and how to use it.

You will learn about the risks involved in technical diving, and how to manage them.

Technical diving is a type of diving that requires special training and equipment in order to safely explore underwater environments that are beyond the reach of recreational divers. These environments may be deeper, darker, or more dangerous than those typically encountered by recreational divers, and as such, technical diving poses a greater risk of serious injury or death.

In this lesson, you will learn about the risks involved in technical diving, and how to manage them. You will also learn about the specialized equipment and techniques that are used in technical diving, and how to use them safely.

You will learn about the emergency procedures involved in technical diving, and how to respond to them.

In this lesson, you will learn about the different emergency procedures involved in technical diving, and how to respond to them. You will also learn about the different pieces of equipment that are used in technical diving, and how to use them.