PADI AWARE Shark Conservation (Bali)

PADI AWARE Shark Conservation (Bali)

Looking to get up close and personal with some of the most incredible creatures on the planet? Then look no further than PADI’s Shark Conservation course in Bali!

During this once-in-a-lifetime experience, you’ll not only learn all about these amazing animals but also how to help protect them for future generations.

You’ll start your adventure with a briefing from our expert instructors, who will teach you all about the different types of sharks found in the area and the threats they face.

Then it’s time to hit the water for an unforgettable encounter with these majestic creatures!

We’ll provide you with all the necessary equipment, including a wetsuit and snorkel, and you’ll have the chance to swim alongside some of the most feared (and misunderstood) animals on the planet.

And, of course, no Shark Conservation course would be complete without a dedication to helping these creatures long after your experience is over.

You’ll leave this course not only with incredible memories but also the knowledge and tools to make a real difference in the fight to protect sharks.


PADI AWARE Shark Conservation (Bali) Essentials

The PADI AWARE Shark Conservation (Bali) course is a four-part course that covers the biology of sharks, the threats they face, and how to help protect them. The course includes a classroom session, an underwater shark identification session, and two dives at a protected reef where participants can help with shark conservation efforts.

  • Prerequisites

  • Includes

Bali Diving Course Call To Action

Don't hold your breath

Blow some bubbles with us

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PADI AWARE Shark Conservation (Bali) Components

Looking to get up close and personal with some of the ocean’s top predators? Then look no further than the PADI Aware Shark Conservation course in Bali!

Not only will you get to learn all about these amazing creatures, but you’ll also get to help with vital conservation efforts to ensure their future in the wild.

So what are you waiting for? Come and join us on this once-in-a-lifetime experience!

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn PADI AWARE Shark Conservation (Bali)

Divers are in a unique position to help protect sharks. By taking the PADI AWARE Shark Conservation course in Bali, divers can learn how to identify different species of sharks, understand their ecology and role in the marine environment and take action to help conserve them. Here are 5 reasons why every diver should take this course:

1. Sharks are in trouble. Globally, shark populations are in decline due to overfishing, bycatch and habitat loss.

Sharks are in trouble because they are being overfished, caught as bycatch, and their habitats are being lost. Overfishing is a major problem because it removes sharks from the ocean at a faster rate than they can reproduce. This means that there are fewer sharks in the ocean, and their populations are declining. Bycatch is also a major problem, because it results in the accidental capture and death of sharks. This is often done when fishermen are targeting other fish, and the sharks get caught in their nets. This is a major problem because it results in the death of many sharks, and it also hurts the populations of other fish that are being targeted. Habitat loss is another major problem, because it results in the loss of critical habitat for sharks. This can be caused by things like pollution, coastal development, and climate change. All of these factors are contributing to the decline of shark populations around the world.

2. Divers can make a difference. By taking the PADI AWARE Shark Conservation course, divers can learn how to identify different species of sharks and understand their ecology. This knowledge can help divers make more informed decisions about how to best p

Sharks are an important part of the marine ecosystem and play a crucial role in maintaining the health of coral reefs and other marine habitats. However, shark populations worldwide are in decline due to overfishing, finning, and other threats.

Divers can help protect sharks by taking the PADI AWARE Shark Conservation course. This course provides divers with the knowledge and skills to identify different species of sharks and understand their ecology. This knowledge can help divers make more informed decisions about how to best protect sharks.

3. Sharks are important. Sharks play a vital role in maintaining the health of marine ecosystems.

Sharks are important for many reasons. They are top predators that help keep populations of other animals in check, which can help maintain the health of an ecosystem. They also play a role in the food chain by consuming smaller animals and helping to recycle nutrients back into the ecosystem. Additionally, sharks can be a keystone species, meaning that their presence can help shape the entire ecosystem. For example, sharks help keep coral reefs healthy by preying on herbivorous fish that would otherwise overgraze the reef.

4. Bali is a hot spot for shark conservation. Bali is home to a number of shark species, including the critically endangered oceanic whitetip shark.


5. The PADI AWARE Shark Conservation course is fun and informative. Divers will learn about shark ecology and conservation while also getting the chance to see these amazing animals up close.

One of the main reasons to take the PADI AWARE Shark Conservation course is because it is a fun and informative way to learn about shark ecology and conservation. This course is also a great opportunity to see these amazing animals up close.

PADI AWARE Shark Conservation (Bali) Topics

The importance of sharks in the marine ecosystem
How to identify different species of sharks

In order to identify different species of sharks, you will need to know what to look for in each species. There are many different types of sharks, and each has its own unique set of characteristics. Some of the things you may want to look for include:

-The shape of the shark’s body
-The size of the shark
-The color of the shark
-The markings on the shark
-The number of fins the shark has
-The type of teeth the shark has

By taking all of these factors into consideration, you should be able to identify most species of sharks.

The role of humans in shark conservation

The role of humans in shark conservation is to help protect these amazing creatures from becoming extinct. There are many ways to do this, including:

-Educating others about the importance of sharks and the role they play in the ecosystem
-Supporting organizations that are working to protect sharks
-Avoiding products that contain shark fins or other parts
-Reporting any sightings of illegal shark fishing or hunting

How to minimize the impact of humans on sharks

The PADI AWARE Shark Conservation course is designed to help divers and snorkelers minimize the impact of humans on sharks. The course covers topics such as the biology and ecology of sharks, the threats they face from humans, and how divers and snorkelers can help protect them.

What you can do to help protect sharks

There are many things that divers and non-divers alike can do to help protect sharks. Some of the things that you can do to help protect sharks are:

-Educate yourself and others about sharks and their importance to the ecosystem

-Support organizations that are working to protect sharks

-Don’t purchase products made from shark parts

-Be a responsible diver and follow guidelines when diving in areas where sharks are present