PADI Discover Local Diving (Bali)

PADI Discover Local Diving (Bali)
Price: $

Looking for an unforgettable diving experience in Bali? Then look no further than PADI Discover Local Diving!

With our experienced and certified instructors, we will take you on a diving adventure of a lifetime. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced diver, we will tailor the perfect diving trip for you.

Some of the highlights of our Discover Local Diving package include:

– Diving in some of the most beautiful and pristine waters in Bali

– Seeing amazing marine life up close and personal

– Learning about the local culture and history

– Experiencing the thrill of diving in a new and exciting place

So what are you waiting for? Book your spot on our next Discover Local Diving trip today!


PADI Discover Local Diving (Bali) Essentials

The PADI Discover Local Diving (Bali) course is designed to introduce divers to the local diving scene in Bali. The course includes four dives, two at a local dive site and two at a more advanced dive site. The course also covers dive equipment and safety, dive planning and dive tables.

  • Prerequisites

  • Includes

Bali Diving Course Call To Action

Don't hold your breath

Blow some bubbles with us

Start now!

PADI Discover Local Diving (Bali) Components

Looking for an adventure in Bali? Then look no further than the PADI Discover Local Diving course! This course is perfect for those who want to explore the underwater world without having to travel too far. You’ll get to experience the best of Bali’s diving, and learn all about the local marine life.

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn PADI Discover Local Diving (Bali)

If you’re looking for an amazing diving experience in Bali, then you should definitely take the PADI Discover Local Diving course. Here are 5 reasons why:

1. You'll get to explore the amazing underwater world of Bali.

Bali is an amazing place to dive. The underwater world is full of color and life, and there is a lot to see. With PADI Discover Local Diving (Bali), you’ll get to explore all that Bali has to offer. You’ll get to see the amazing reefs, the colorful fish, and the beautiful corals. You’ll also get to learn about the local culture and history. This is an experience you won’t want to miss.

2. You'll learn about the local diving spots and what makes them so special.

PADI Discover Local Diving (Bali) is a great way to learn about the local diving spots in Bali. You’ll learn about the different types of fish and coral that you can find there, as well as the best time of day to go diving.

3. You'll get to meet other divers and make new friends.

PADI Discover Local Diving (Bali) is an excellent way to meet other divers and make new friends. The program is designed to introduce divers to the local diving community in Bali, and to provide them with the opportunity to dive with experienced divers who can show them the best dive sites.

4. You'll learn about the local dive sites and their history.


5. You'll get an opportunity to dive with a PADI instructor.

PADI Discover Local Diving (Bali) is a great way to experience the local diving scene in Bali. You’ll have the chance to dive with a PADI instructor, who can show you the ropes and help you feel comfortable in the water. Plus, you’ll get to explore the amazing underwater world that Bali has to offer.

PADI Discover Local Diving (Bali) Topics

The best dive sites in Bali
The importance of coral reefs

Coral reefs are some of the most biodiverse and productive ecosystems on Earth. They provide critical habitat for countless species of fish, invertebrates, and other marine life. Coral reefs also support human communities by providing food and income, and by protecting coastlines from storms and erosion.

Despite their importance, coral reefs are in decline worldwide. They are threatened by overfishing, pollution, and climate change. Climate change poses the greatest long-term threat to coral reefs, as rising ocean temperatures cause mass bleaching events that kill coral.

You can help protect coral reefs by supporting conservation efforts, avoiding activities that damage reefs, and reducing your own carbon footprint. Divers can also play an important role in reef conservation by participating in citizen science programs and supporting responsible diving practices.

How to dive safely and responsibly

In this lesson, you will learn how to dive safely and responsibly. You will learn about dive safety procedures and how to properly use dive equipment. You will also learn about dive etiquette and how to respect the underwater environment.

How to take care of your dive gear

Your dive gear is your lifeline to the underwater world, so it’s important to take care of it. Here are some tips on how to keep your dive gear in top shape:

– Rinse your dive gear with fresh water after each dive, especially if you’ve been diving in salt water.
– Store your dive gear in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.
– Inspect your dive gear regularly for signs of wear and tear.
– Have your dive gear serviced by a qualified technician at least once a year.

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your dive gear will be there for you when you need it.

Dive emergency procedures

Dive emergency procedures are the procedures that a diver should follow in the event of an emergency while diving. These procedures are designed to help the diver safely and effectively deal with the emergency situation.