PADI Project AWARE Specialist (Bali)

PADI Project AWARE Specialist (Bali)
Price: $

Looking to get involved in ocean conservation? The PADI Project AWARE Specialist course is the perfect way to start! This one-day course will teach you all about the problems our oceans are facing and what you can do to help. You’ll also learn about the work that PADI Project AWARE is doing to make a difference.

After completing the course, you’ll be a certified PADI Project AWARE Specialist and will be able to help with conservation activities both in your local community and around the world. You’ll also receive a special Project AWARE certification card and decal.

If you’re interested in ocean conservation and want to learn more about what you can do to help, then sign up for the PADI Project AWARE Specialist course today!


PADI Project AWARE Specialist (Bali) Essentials

The PADI Project AWARE Specialist course is designed to educate divers about the importance of conserving our oceans and protecting marine wildlife. The course includes classroom and practical sessions, during which participants will learn about the threats facing our oceans and what we can do to help. The course is open to all certified divers and no previous experience is required.

  • Prerequisites

  • Includes

Bali Diving Course Call To Action

Don't hold your breath

Blow some bubbles with us

Start now!

PADI Project AWARE Specialist (Bali) Components

PADI Project AWARE Specialist is a course that teaches you how to be a responsible diver and how to help protect our oceans. This course is perfect for those who want to make a difference and learn more about ocean conservation. You will learn about the major threats to our oceans and how you can help to make a difference.

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn PADI Project AWARE Specialist (Bali)

Here are 5 reasons why a diver should take the PADI Project AWARE Specialist course in Bali:

1. To learn how to protect the world's oceans and the creatures that live in them.

The ocean is a vital part of our planet, providing food, oxygen, and a home to an incredible diversity of creatures. Unfortunately, the ocean is under threat from a variety of sources, including pollution, overfishing, and climate change.

The PADI Project AWARE Specialist course is designed to educate divers about the threats to the ocean and what they can do to help protect it. The course includes a variety of topics, such as the impacts of pollution and climate change, the importance of marine protected areas, and how to be a responsible diver.

By taking the PADI Project AWARE Specialist course, you will not only learn how to help protect the ocean, but you will also be a part of the solution.

2. To gain a better understanding of the threats that our oceans face, and what we can do to help mitigate those threats.

Our oceans are under threat from a variety of sources, including pollution, overfishing, and climate change. The PADI Project AWARE Specialist course will give you the knowledge and tools you need to help protect our oceans. You’ll learn about the major threats to the marine environment, and what we can do to help mitigate them. This course is an excellent way to gain a better understanding of the issues facing our oceans today, and how we can all play a role in protecting them.

3. To develop the skills and knowledge necessary to become a leader in the ocean conservation movement.

As a PADI Project AWARE Specialist, you will be at the forefront of the ocean conservation movement, working to protect our planet’s oceans and the creatures that call them home. You will learn about the threats facing our oceans today, and what you can do to help mitigate them. In addition, you will gain the skills and knowledge necessary to become a leader in the ocean conservation movement, inspiring others to take action and make a difference.

4. To have the opportunity to dive in some of the most beautiful and biodiverse waters on the planet.


5. To support the work of an organization that is making a real difference in the fight to protect our oceans.

PADI Project AWARE Specialist (Bali) is a great way to support the work of an organization that is making a real difference in the fight to protect our oceans. By becoming a PADI Project AWARE Specialist, you will be able to help raise awareness about the importance of ocean conservation and help support the work of this important organization.

PADI Project AWARE Specialist (Bali) Topics

The importance of conserving our oceans and the creatures that call it home.
How to be a responsible diver and minimize our impact on the environment.

As a responsible diver, you can help minimize your impact on the environment by following some simple guidelines.

• Be a role model for other divers.

• Be a good steward of the environment.

• Be respectful of all marine life.

• Use dive gear that is designed to minimize your impact on the environment.

• Be mindful of your dive gear and how it affects the environment.

• Be aware of your dive environment and the creatures that live there.

• Follow the dive guidelines and regulations that are in place to protect the environment.

The Project AWARE Foundation and what they are doing to protect our oceans.

The Project AWARE Foundation is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting our oceans. They work to increase public awareness of the issues facing our oceans, and to engage people in ocean conservation. They also support research and provide grants to help protect and restore ocean ecosystems.

How to get involved in citizen science and make a difference.

Citizen science is a way for regular people to get involved in scientific research. It can be as simple as recording data about the natural world around you, or helping to identify species in pictures or photographs. By taking part in citizen science, you can help to make a difference in the world.

There are many ways to get involved in citizen science. One way is to find a project that interests you and sign up to take part. There are also apps and websites that you can use to take part in citizen science, and many of these are free to use.

If you want to make a difference in the world, citizen science is a great way to do it. By taking part in citizen science, you can help to gather data and information that can be used to improve our understanding of the world around us.

How to spread the word and raise awareness about ocean conservation.

There are many ways to spread the word and raise awareness about ocean conservation. One way is to become a PADI Project AWARE Specialist. As a PADI Project AWARE Specialist, you will be trained to teach others about the importance of ocean conservation and how they can help make a difference. You can also volunteer with PADI Project AWARE to help with their conservation efforts. Another way to spread the word is to simply talk to others about the importance of ocean conservation and what they can do to help. You can also write articles, blog posts, or create videos about ocean conservation to help educate others.