PADI Underwater Naturalist (Bali)

PADI Underwater Naturalist (Bali)
Price: $

Introducing the PADI Underwater Naturalist course in Bali!

This course is designed to give you a greater understanding of the underwater world and how you can help protect it. You’ll learn about the different aquatic ecosystems, the creatures that call them home, and the importance of conservation.

Over the course of four days, you’ll complete four dives at some of Bali’s best dive sites. You’ll also participate in classroom sessions and lectures, and complete an exam to earn your PADI Underwater Naturalist certification.

This course is the perfect way to learn more about the underwater world and how you can help preserve it for future generations.


PADI Underwater Naturalist (Bali) Essentials

The PADI Underwater Naturalist course is designed to help you learn more about the underwater world and how to better protect it. The course is divided into four main sections:

1. Understanding the underwater environment
2. Ecology of the underwater world
3. Conservation of the underwater world
4. Dive planning and execution

In the first section, you will learn about the different types of underwater environments and how they are formed. You will also learn about the different types of aquatic life and how they interact with their surroundings.

In the second section, you will learn about the ecology of the underwater world. You will learn about the food chain, the different types of ecosystems, and the impact of humans on the underwater world.

In the third section, you will learn about the conservation of the underwater world. You will learn about the different threats to the underwater world and how to help protect it.

In the fourth section, you will learn about dive planning and execution. You will learn about the different types of dive equipment and how to use it. You will also learn about dive safety and emergency procedures.

  • Prerequisites

  • Includes

Bali Diving Course Call To Action

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PADI Underwater Naturalist (Bali) Components

Have you ever wondered what those little creatures are that you see when you’re diving? Or what role coral plays in the health of our oceans? As a PADI Underwater Naturalist, you’ll not only learn the answers to these questions, but gain an appreciation for all marine life.

During this course, you’ll spend time in the classroom and in the water learning about:

-The role of coral reefs in the marine environment
-Identification of common reef fish, invertebrates and plants
-Interactions between marine life, including predator-prey relationships
-The importance of conserving our underwater world

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn PADI Underwater Naturalist (Bali)

Have you ever wanted to learn more about the amazing underwater world and the creatures that live there? If so, then the PADI Underwater Naturalist course in Bali is perfect for you! Here are 5 reasons why:

1. You'll learn about the different types of marine life and their habitats

PADI Underwater Naturalist (Bali) is a great way to learn about the different types of marine life and their habitats. You’ll get to see firsthand the beauty and diversity of the underwater world, and learn how to protect it.

2. You'll gain a better understanding of the impact humans have on the underwater environment

The PADI Underwater Naturalist course in Bali will help you understand the role humans play in the health of the underwater environment. You’ll learn about the different ways humans impact the environment and what we can do to help protect it. This course is a great way to learn more about the importance of conserving our natural resources.

3. You'll learn how to identify common reef fish, invertebrates, and corals

PADI Underwater Naturalist (Bali) is a great way to learn more about the amazing marine life that can be found in Bali. You’ll learn how to identify common reef fish, invertebrates, and corals, and you’ll gain a better understanding of the importance of preserving these delicate ecosystems.

4. You'll learn about the importance of conserving and protecting the underwater environment


5. You'll have the opportunity to dive with a PADI instructor and explore the underwater world around Bali

PADI Underwater Naturalist (Bali) gives you the chance to learn about the underwater world in a fun and safe environment. You’ll be able to see the amazing variety of marine life that Bali has to offer, and learn about the importance of preserving this delicate ecosystem.

PADI Underwater Naturalist (Bali) Topics

The marine life of Bali
The importance of conserving Bali’s marine life

Bali is a beautiful island in Indonesia that is well-known for its scenic beaches and coral reefs. The coral reefs around Bali provide a home for a variety of marine life, including fish, turtles, and other creatures.

Sadly, Bali’s marine life is under threat from pollution, overfishing, and other human activities. This is why it’s so important to conserve Bali’s marine life. By taking steps to protect the island’s coral reefs and other marine habitats, we can help ensure that these amazing creatures will be around for future generations to enjoy.

The different habitats found in Bali’s waters

Bali is home to a wide variety of marine habitats, from the shallowest coral reefs to the deep sea. In between these two extremes, there are mangroves, seagrass beds, and many other types of habitats that support a diverse array of marine life.

As an underwater naturalist, it is important to have a basic understanding of the different habitats found in Bali’s waters and the creatures that call each one home. This will allow you to better appreciate the underwater world and also help you to take steps to protect these fragile ecosystems.

The impact of human activity on Bali’s marine life

The impact of human activity on Bali’s marine life is significant. It is estimated that up to 70% of the coral reefs in Bali have been lost due to human activity, including overfishing, pollution and coastal development. This has had a devastating effect on the marine life that depends on the coral reefs for food and shelter.

In addition to the loss of coral reefs, human activity has also contributed to the decline of many other marine species in Bali. Overfishing has led to the depletion of many fish stocks, while pollution has harmed both fish and other marine creatures. Coastal development has also had an impact, as it has led to the destruction of mangrove forests and seagrass beds, which are important habitats for many marine species.

All of these impacts have had a serious effect on the biodiversity of Bali’s marine life. The loss of coral reefs and other habitats has led to the decline of many species, while the overfishing of certain species has upset the balance of the marine ecosystem. This has serious consequences for the people of Bali who depend on the sea for their livelihoods, as well as for the marine life itself.

Strategies for protecting Bali’s marine life

There are many ways to protect Bali’s marine life, and PADI Underwater Naturalists can play a vital role in this effort. Some of the most important things you can do to help protect Bali’s marine life are:

-Become a dive leader or instructor and help educate other divers about the importance of protecting Bali’s marine life.

-Join or support an organization that is working to protect Bali’s marine life.

-Be a responsible diver and always practice safe diving techniques.

-Respect the marine life you encounter while diving and do not touch or disturb corals or other creatures.

-Support businesses that are committed to protecting Bali’s marine life.