SSI Cave Diving (Bali)

SSI Cave Diving (Bali) Course
Price: $

Looking for an exhilarating diving experience? Come to Bali and explore the underwater caves! SSI Cave Diving offers certified divers the opportunity to discover a whole new world beneath the surface.

This course is designed for certified divers who want to explore cave systems. You will learn about proper equipment and techniques for cave diving, as well as how to navigate in these environments. This course includes four dives in different cave systems around Bali.

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

-Describe the basic principles of cave diving

-Understand the hazards associated with cave diving

-Use proper cave diving techniques

-Navigate in a cave environment

-Plan and execute dives in a cave system

If you are interested in taking your diving to the next level, sign up for SSI Cave Diving today!


SSI Cave Diving (Bali) Essentials

Cave diving is an amazing experience that everyone should try at least once in their lifetime. This course will teach you everything you need to know to safely and confidently explore the underwater caves of Bali.

  • Prerequisites

  • Includes

Bali Diving Course Call To Action

Don't hold your breath

Blow some bubbles with us

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SSI Cave Diving (Bali) Components

The SSI Cave Diving (Bali) course is a four-day course that teaches you the skills and knowledge necessary to safely and effectively cave dive in Bali. The course includes four days of classroom and pool training, followed by two days of open water diving.

The first two days of the course are spent in the classroom, learning about topics such as dive planning, dive site selection, and risk management. You will also learn about the special equipment and techniques used in cave diving.

On the third and fourth days, you will put your classroom knowledge into practice with two days of pool training. You will learn skills such as line-handling, gas management, and emergency procedures.

The final two days of the course are spent in open water, diving in two different caves in Bali. This will give you the opportunity to put all of the skills and knowledge you have learned into practice.

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn SSI Cave Diving (Bali)

Looking to explore the hidden depths of Bali’s caves? Then you’ll need to take the SSI Cave Diving course! Here are 5 reasons why:

1. Learn about the special equipment and techniques required for cave diving

SSI Cave Diving (Bali) is a course that teaches divers the special equipment and techniques required for cave diving. This is important because cave diving is a very dangerous activity and requires a lot of training and experience to do it safely.

2. Get comprehensive training on how to safely navigate in and out of caves

Cave diving can be extremely dangerous, and even deadly, if done without the proper training and equipment. SSI Cave Diving (Bali) offers comprehensive training on how to safely navigate in and out of caves, as well as the use of the proper equipment.

3. Gain a better understanding of the unique hazards associated with cave diving

There are a number of unique hazards associated with cave diving which make it an inherently dangerous activity. Firstly, the underwater environment is pitch black, meaning that divers have to rely on their torches to navigate their way around. This can be extremely disorientating, and if a diver gets lost, it can be very difficult to find their way out again. Secondly, cave diving is often done in tight and confined spaces, which can make it difficult to move around and increase the risk of getting stuck. Thirdly, the water in caves is often very cold, which can lead to hypothermia. Finally, cave diving often involves swimming through very narrow passages, which can be dangerous if a diver panics or gets stuck.

4. Hear first-hand accounts from experienced cave divers about the challenges and rewards of this thrilling activity


5. Earn an internationally-recognized certification that will allow you to dive in caves around the world

SSI Cave Diving (Bali) is an internationally-recognized certification that will allow you to dive in caves around the world. This certification is recognized by the International SAMA (Sub Aqua Association) and is valid for life.

SSI Cave Diving (Bali) Topics

Understanding the basic concepts of cave diving
Understanding the different types of cave diving equipment

There are many different types of cave diving equipment, each designed for a specific purpose. The most important piece of equipment for cave diving is the full face mask, which allows the diver to breathe underwater without having to surface. Other important pieces of equipment include a wetsuit or drysuit to keep the diver warm, fins to help the diver move through the water, and a diving torch to light the way.

Learning how to use cave diving equipment safely

Cave diving is a type of technical diving that requires specialized equipment and training. It is considered one of the most dangerous types of diving, due to the inherent risks of entering an underwater cave.

Cave diving equipment includes a full face mask, which allows the diver to communicate with the surface team and maintain a clear view of the underwater environment. In addition, cave divers use a guideline to help them navigate the underwater cave.

Cave diving training teaches divers how to safely use this specialized equipment and how to navigate the underwater environment.

Understanding the different types of cave diving hazards

There are four main types of cave diving hazards:

1. Siltation

Siltation is when the cave floor is covered in a layer of fine sediment. This can make it very difficult to see where you are going, and can also clog your diving equipment.

2. Low visibility

Low visibility can make it difficult to see where you are going and can also increase the risk of getting lost.

3. Currents

Currents can make it difficult to swim and can also pose a danger if you are caught in one.

4. Flooding

Flooding can occur if there is a sudden influx of water into the cave. This can pose a serious danger to divers, as it can quickly fill the cave with water.

Learning how to safely navigate in a cave

One of the most dangerous environments a person can find themselves in is a cave. There are many hidden dangers in caves, and it is essential that anyone who wants to explore them learns how to safely navigate them.

Cave diving is a type of diving that requires special training and equipment. It is considered one of the most dangerous forms of diving, as it is easy to become disoriented and lost in a cave.

There are many dangers that cave divers face, including:

– Getting lost
– Running out of air
– being caught in a current
– hitting your head
– becoming entangled in debris

All of these dangers can be avoided if cave divers take the time to learn how to safely navigate in a cave.