SSI CCR Technical Extended Range (Bali)

SSI CCR Technical Extended Range (Bali) Course
Price: $

This course is for certified technical divers who want to extend their range and dive deeper than ever before. The course is conducted in Bali, Indonesia, one of the world’s premier diving destinations.

The course begins with a comprehensive review of diving theory and physiology, followed by a series of pool and open water dives. You will learn advanced diving techniques and equipment use, including rebreather diving, gas blending and decompression management. The course culminates in a series of deep dives, reaching depths of up to 70 metres.

This course is the perfect way to take your diving to the next level and explore the depths of the ocean.


SSI CCR Technical Extended Range (Bali) Essentials

This SSI CCR Technical Extended Range course in Bali will take your diving to the next level, teaching you how to safely and effectively dive using a closed-circuit rebreather. You’ll learn how to plan and execute extended range dives, and how to deal with potential problems that may arise. This course is essential for anyone looking to take their diving to the next level.

  • Prerequisites

  • Includes

Bali Diving Course Call To Action

Don't hold your breath

Blow some bubbles with us

Start now!

SSI CCR Technical Extended Range (Bali) Components

The SSI CCR Technical Extended Range (Bali) course is designed to give divers the skills and knowledge necessary to safely and effectively dive using a closed-circuit rebreather. The course is divided into three parts: academics, confined water dives, and open water dives.

The academic portion of the course covers topics such as dive planning, gas management, and decompression theory. Students will also learn about the hazards and risks associated with rebreather diving, and how to avoid and manage them.

The confined water dives are conducted in a pool or other controlled environment, and are used to familiarize students with the equipment and procedures. Students will practice skills such as clearing the rebreather, dealing with out-of-air emergencies, and managing gas supplies.

The open water dives are conducted in the open ocean, and are used to refine the skills learned in the confined water dives. Students will also have the opportunity to explore the underwater world and see some of the amazing marine life that Bali has to offer.

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn SSI CCR Technical Extended Range (Bali)

Are you interested in taking your diving skills to the next level? If so, then you should consider taking the SSI CCR Technical Extended Range (Bali) course. This course will provide you with the training and skills you need to safely and confidently dive in deeper and more challenging waters. Here are 5 reasons why you should take the SSI CCR Technical Extended Range (Bali) course:

1. Learn how to safely and confidently dive in deeper waters.

The SSI CCR Technical Extended Range (Bali) course will teach you how to safely and confidently dive in deeper waters. You will learn about the different types of CCRs (closed-circuit rebreathers) and how to use them, as well as how to plan and execute extended range dives. This course will give you the skills and knowledge you need to safely and confidently dive in deeper waters.

2. Gain experience and skills in using CCR (closed-circuit rebreather) diving equipment.

The SSI CCR Technical Extended Range (Bali) course is designed to give divers the experience and skills needed to safely and effectively use CCR diving equipment. The course covers topics such as CCR safety, gas management, and emergency procedures.

3. Explore new and exciting dive sites in Bali.

The SSI CCR Technical Extended Range course will allow you to expand your diving horizons and dive in locations that you may have never thought possible. This course is perfect for those who want to explore the amazing underwater world of Bali and see some of the most beautiful and unique dive sites that the island has to offer.

4. Learn how to effectively manage and control your gas supply.


5. Get the training and skills you need to safely and confidently dive in challenging waters.

SSI CCR Technical Extended Range (Bali) is a course that will prepare you for diving in challenging waters. The course will teach you how to safely and confidently dive in these conditions, and will give you the skills you need to handle any situation you may encounter.

SSI CCR Technical Extended Range (Bali) Topics

Understanding the basic concepts of SSI CCR Technical Extended Range diving
The dive planning process for SSI CCR Technical Extended Range diving

1. Determine your dive objectives. What do you hope to achieve by diving with a CCR?

2. Choose a dive site that will allow you to safely achieve your objectives. Review the conditions at the dive site and make sure that they are compatible with CCR diving.

3. Plan your dive using the dive tables or dive computers. Make sure to use dive tables or dive computers that are specifically designed for CCR diving.

4. Make a gas mixture for your CCR. The gas mixture you choose will depend on the depth of your dive and the conditions at the dive site.

5. Set up your CCR according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

6. Test your CCR before diving. Make sure that all of the systems are working properly and that you are familiar with the controls.

7. Dive! Follow your dive plan and enjoy the experience of diving with a CCR.

The equipment used for SSI CCR Technical Extended Range diving

Topics covered in this lesson:
– SSI CCR Technical Extended Range
– SSI CCR Technical Extended Range Instructor
– SSI CCR Technical Extended Range Course
– SSI CCR Technical Extended Range Equipment
– SSI CCR Technical Extended Range Diving

1. SSI CCR Technical Extended Range
SSI CCR Technical Extended Range is a diving program that trains divers to use a Closed Circuit Rebreather (CCR) for dives beyond the normal recreational limits. The program is offered by SSI (Scuba Schools International) and is available to certified SSI Open Water Divers who are at least 18 years old.

The program consists of three parts: an online theory course, a practical training program, and a final certification dive. The online theory course must be completed before taking the practical training program. The practical training program must be completed before taking the final certification dive.

The SSI CCR Technical Extended Range program is designed to give divers the skills and knowledge they need to safely and effectively use a CCR for extended range diving. The program is divided into three parts:

1. Online Theory Course
2. Practical Training Program
3. Final Certification Dive

The online

The skills and techniques required for SSI CCR Technical Extended Range diving

Use SSI CCR systems to safely conduct diving operations beyond the No-Decompression limits

The SSI CCR Technical Extended Range (TER) course builds on the knowledge and skills learned in the SSI CCR Open Water Diver and CCR Nitrox courses and introduces the student to the use of CCR systems for extended range diving. The course is conducted over 4 days and includes both classroom and in-water training.

During the classroom sessions, the student will learn about:

* CCR systems
* Gas mixtures
* Dive planning
* Risk management

In-water training will include:

* CCR systems familiarisation
* Gas management
* Dive planning
* Problem management

The course culminates in a series of dives conducted at depths of up to 60 metres.


* SSI CCR Open Water Diver certification
* SSI CCR Nitrox certification
* Minimum age 18
* Proof of 20 logged dives using a CCR system

The dangers and risks associated with SSI CCR Technical Extended Range diving

The dangers and risks associated with SSI CCR Technical Extended Range diving can be divided into two main categories:

1. Dangers and risks associated with the use of Closed Circuit Rebreathers
2. Dangers and risks associated with diving at extended depths

1. Dangers and risks associated with the use of Closed Circuit Rebreathers

The main dangers and risks associated with the use of Closed Circuit Rebreathers include:

* Failure of the rebreather to provide the correct mix of gases
* Failure of the rebreather to remove carbon dioxide from the breathing gas
* Leakage of gas from the rebreather
* entrapment of gas bubbles in the body

2. Dangers and risks associated with diving at extended depths

The main dangers and risks associated with diving at extended depths include:

* Decompression sickness
* Nitrogen narcosis
* Oxygen toxicity
* Carbon dioxide toxicity
* Hydrogen sulfide toxicity