SSI Extended Range Foundations (Bali)

SSI Extended Range Foundations (Bali) Course
Price: $

Welcome to SSI Extended Range Foundations. This course is designed for divers who want to extend their dive training into the extended range diving realm. This course will cover topics such as dive planning, dive equipment, and dive safety. The course is conducted over four days and includes both classroom and in-water training.

Day one of the course will be spent in the classroom, covering dive theory and safety. Days two and three will be spent in the water, learning dive planning and equipment skills. On the final day, students will put their knowledge to the test with a series of extended range dives.

Successful completion of this course will earn students the SSI Extended Range certification, which will allow them to dive to depths of up to 40 meters. This course is the perfect way to take your diving to the next level and explore the amazing underwater world.


SSI Extended Range Foundations (Bali) Essentials

This SSI Extended Range Foundations course is the perfect way to learn the skills needed to safely explore the underwater world beyond the limits of recreational diving. You’ll learn about dive planning, gas management, decompression theory and more, all while enjoying the stunning beauty of Bali.

  • Prerequisites

  • Includes

Bali Diving Course Call To Action

Don't hold your breath

Blow some bubbles with us

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SSI Extended Range Foundations (Bali) Components

The SSI Extended Range Foundations course is a 9-day program that teaches scuba diving skills and techniques beyond the Open Water level. The course is divided into three parts: academic, confined water and open water.

The academic portion of the course covers topics such as dive planning, dive tables and dive computers. The confined water portion of the course allows students to practice new skills in a controlled environment. The open water portion of the course allows students to apply their skills in real-world conditions.

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn SSI Extended Range Foundations (Bali)

Have you ever dreamed of diving in crystal clear water, surrounded by colorful reef fish? If so, the SSI Extended Range Foundations (Bali) course is for you! This course will teach you the basics of extended range diving, so you can safely explore the underwater world. Here are 5 reasons why you should take the SSI Extended Range Foundations (Bali) course:

1. Learn the basics of extended range diving

Extended range diving is a type of scuba diving that refers to dives that are deeper than 60 feet (18 meters). These types of dives require special training and equipment, and are typically only done by experienced divers.

Extended range diving is more dangerous than shallower dives because of the increased risk of decompression sickness. This is caused by the increased pressure at depth, which can cause nitrogen to build up in the body. If a diver ascends too quickly, this nitrogen can come out of solution and form bubbles in the body, which can cause pain, paralysis, and even death.

Extended range diving is also more difficult than shallower dives because of the increased water pressure. This makes it more difficult to breathe, and can also cause problems with buoyancy.

Extended range diving requires special training and equipment, and should only be attempted by experienced divers.

2. Explore the underwater world safely

With SSI Extended Range Foundations (Bali), you can explore the underwater world safely. The course covers everything from basic safety procedures to in-depth knowledge about dive equipment and dive theory. You will also learn about dive planning, gas management, and emergency procedures. This course is perfect for anyone who wants to explore the underwater world safely.

3. Get certified to dive deeper

The SSI Extended Range Foundations (Bali) course is designed to give you the skills and experience necessary to safely dive deeper than 18 meters/60 feet. The course is conducted over four days and includes four dives. You will learn about dive planning, gas management, deep diving physiology, and safety procedures for deeper diving. This course is an excellent way to gain the experience and confidence you need to safely explore the underwater world beyond 18 meters/60 feet.

4. Experience world-class diving in Bali


5. Learn from experienced instructors

1. You’ll learn from experienced instructors who have a wealth of knowledge to share.

2. The course is designed to help you expand your understanding of SSI diving concepts and principles.

3. You’ll have the opportunity to practice your skills in a variety of realistic scenarios.

4. The Extended Range Foundations course will give you a solid foundation on which to build your future diving adventures.

SSI Extended Range Foundations (Bali) Topics

Understanding the physical and natural environment of the extended range diving destination
Understanding the use of dive computers and dive tables for extended range diving

Expand SSI Extended Range Foundations (Bali) lesson topic – Understanding the use of dive computers and dive tables for extended range diving

Extended range diving generally refers to any diving that takes place beyond the normal range of recreational diving, which is typically considered to be depths of 130 feet (40 meters) or less. This can include diving in deeper waters, in colder waters, or in waters with stronger currents.

Dive computers and dive tables are two essential tools that extended range divers use to help plan and execute their dives safely. Dive computers allow divers to more accurately track their depth and time underwater, as well as calculate their nitrogen loading, which is important for avoiding decompression sickness. Dive tables, on the other hand, provide a more simplified way of planning dives, and can be used as a backup in case a dive computer fails.

Extended range diving requires a higher level of training and experience than recreational diving, so it is important that divers understand how to use both dive computers and dive tables before attempting any extended range dives.

Understanding the physiology of extended range diving and managing risks

What are the risks of extended range diving?

The risks of extended range diving are largely related to the increased depth and time involved in these dives. The increased depth means that there is more pressure on the body, which can lead to problems such as decompression sickness. The increased time also means that there is more chance of something going wrong, such as running out of air.

Understanding the equipment used for extended range diving

Extended range diving generally refers to diving that takes place beyond the limits of recreational diving, in depths and/or environments that require specialised training, equipment and experience.

The most common type of extended range diving is technical diving, which generally refers to any diving that goes beyond the limits of recreational diving, and often involves the use of specialised equipment, such as rebreathers, to extend bottom time and/or range.

Other types of extended range diving include cave diving, deep sea diving, ice diving, and wreck diving. Each of these types of diving requires specialised training and equipment, and often has its own set of risks and hazards that need to be considered.

Understanding the skills and techniques used for extended range diving

Extended range diving is a type of diving that takes place beyond the conventional limits of recreational diving. It generally involves diving depths of greater than 40 metres (130 feet), and/or dives that last longer than the conventional limits of recreational diving. Extended range diving often requires the use of specialised equipment, and training in advanced diving techniques.

Extended range diving is typically divided into two categories: technical diving and expedition diving. Technical diving is a type of diving that uses specialised equipment and techniques to allow divers to explore beyond the limits of recreational diving. It generally involves diving depths of greater than 40 metres (130 feet), and/or dives that last longer than the conventional limits of recreational diving. Expedition diving is a type of diving that is undertaken as part of a scientific or exploratory expedition. It generally involves diving in remote or hostile environments, and may involve diving to great depths or for long periods of time.

Extended range diving is an increasingly popular form of diving, as it allows divers to explore the underwater world in a way that was previously not possible. However, it is also a more demanding and potentially dangerous form of diving, and requires a higher level of training and