SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving (Bali)

SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving (Bali) Course
Price: $

This course is designed to give divers the skills and knowledge necessary to safely and effectively use Nitrox mixtures with an oxygen content above 40 percent.

Students will gain deep knowledge on gas management, nitrox, oxygen and other divng gases. Application and planning dives around using Nitrox as gases to manage decompression issues.

If you have always wanted to extend your diving range, having burning questions on dive gas theory and simply a dive geek, this is the course that will answer it all. Why wait? Contact us now.


SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving (Bali) Essentials

Looking to take your diving skills to the next level? Then sign up for our SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving course in Bali!

This course will teach you how to safely dive using nitrox mixtures up to 100% oxygen, and dive deeper than ever before. You’ll also learn how to properly plan and execute extended range dives.

So if you’re ready to push your limits and explore the depths of the ocean, sign up for our SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving course today!

  • Prerequisites

  • Includes

Bali Diving Course Call To Action

Don't hold your breath

Blow some bubbles with us

Start now!

SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving (Bali) Components

The SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving course is designed to give divers the skills and knowledge necessary to safely and effectively dive with nitrox mixtures beyond the normal 21% oxygen limit. The course includes both classroom and in-water training, and covers topics such as dive planning, gas management, and emergency procedures. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be certified to dive with nitrox mixtures up to 100% oxygen.

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving (Bali)

Have you ever wanted to stay underwater for longer and explore more of the beautiful underwater world? If so, then the SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving (Bali) course is perfect for you! This course will teach you how to safely use nitrox mixtures up to 100% oxygen, allowing you to stay underwater for extended periods of time. Here are 5 reasons why you should take the SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving (Bali) course:

1. Learn how to safely use nitrox mixtures up to 100% oxygen, allowing you to stay underwater for extended periods of time.

The biggest benefit of SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving is that it allows divers to safely use nitrox mixtures containing up to 100% oxygen. This means that divers can stay underwater for longer periods of time without having to worry about the dangers of oxygen toxicity.

2. Increase your bottom time and explore more of the underwater world.

With SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving (Bali), you can increase your bottom time and explore more of the underwater world. This is because SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving (Bali) allows you to dive with a higher percentage of oxygen in your tank, which means you can stay underwater for longer periods of time without running out of air.

3. Learn about dive planning, gas management, and emergency procedures for extended range diving.

With SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving (Bali), you can dive deeper and longer than you ever thought possible. Learn about dive planning, gas management, and emergency procedures for extended range diving. You’ll be able to explore the amazing underwater world like never before!

4. Gain experience in diving with nitrox mixtures up to 100% oxygen in a variety of real-world diving scenarios.


5. Get certified to use nitrox mixtures up to 100% oxygen, so you can dive with peace of mind knowing that you are prepared for extended range diving.

With SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving, you can dive with nitrox mixtures up to 100% oxygen. This certification will give you the peace of mind knowing that you are prepared for extended range diving.

SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving (Bali) Topics

Understanding the physics of diving and how it affects your body
Understanding the risks of diving and how to minimize them

Diving is a relatively safe sport, but there are still some risks involved. Understanding these risks and how to minimize them is an important part of being a safe and responsible diver.

Some of the main risks associated with diving include decompression sickness, nitrogen narcosis, and ear and sinus problems. Decompression sickness, also known as “the bends,” can occur when a diver ascends too quickly and the dissolved nitrogen in their body comes out of solution, forming bubbles. These bubbles can cause pain, paralysis, and even death. Nitrogen narcosis is another potential hazard of diving. It occurs when nitrogen is dissolved in the blood and tissues, and can cause a sense of euphoria and disorientation. Ear and sinus problems are also common among divers, and can be caused by the change in pressure when diving.

There are several ways to minimize the risks associated with diving. First, it is important to get proper training from a certified instructor. Second, always use proper dive equipment, including a dive computer, to help you safely monitor your depth and time underwater. Finally, always heed the dive tables and dive safely within your limits.

Learning about dive equipment and how to use it safely

In this lesson, you will learn about the different types of dive equipment available and how to use it safely. You will also learn about the different types of diving that you can do with this equipment.

Dive equipment includes:

– Regulators
– BCDs
– Dive computers
– Wetsuits
– Drysuits
– fins
– masks
– snorkels

Diving can be done with either open circuit or closed circuit dive equipment.

Open circuit dive equipment is the most common type of dive equipment used. It includes a regulator, a BCD, and a dive computer.

Closed circuit dive equipment is used for diving in very cold water or for long dives where you need to maximize your air supply. It includes a regulator, a BCD, a dive computer, and arebreather.

When using dive equipment, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and to get proper training from a qualified instructor.

Understanding the environment you will be diving in

Extended range diving is diving that takes place beyond the normal recreational depth limit of 40 meters. It requires special training and equipment, and presents greater risks than shallower dives. Understanding the environment you will be diving in is essential to extended range diving safety.

The ocean is a dynamic and ever-changing environment. The conditions at any given dive site can vary greatly from day to day, and even hour to hour. It is important to have a good understanding of the conditions you will be diving in, in order to be prepared for the risks involved.

Extended range diving is often done in remote locations, far from help. It is important to have a well-thought-out dive plan, and to stick to it. Make sure you have the proper equipment and supplies for your dive, and that everyone in your group is aware of the plan.

Be aware of the dangers of extended range diving, and plan accordingly. Remember that safety is the number one priority.

Learning how to plan and execute extended range dives safely

Extended range diving is diving that takes place beyond the limits of recreational diving. This type of diving generally requires specialized training and equipment, and presents greater risks than recreational diving.

Extended range diving may involve diving to greater depths, longer dive times, or both. It may also involve diving in more challenging environments, such as caves or wrecks.

Because of the increased risks associated with extended range diving, it is important to plan and execute these dives carefully. This includes choosing the right dive site, selecting the appropriate dive gear, and ensuring that everyone in the dive team is properly trained and prepared.

Extended range diving can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it is important to remember that safety always comes first.