SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving Instructor (Bali)

SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving Instructor (Bali) Course
Price: $

This SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving Instructor course will take place in Bali and will certify you to teach the SSI Extended Range Nitrox program. This program is designed for divers who want to dive with nitrox mixtures of up to 100% oxygen. This course will teach you how to safely plan and conduct extended range nitrox dives, as well as how to properly instruct students in this program.

This course is a minimum of 4 days and includes both classroom and practical training. You will learn about the theory of extended range nitrox diving, as well as how to properly plan and conduct extended range dives. You will also learn how to safely use nitrox mixtures of up to 100% oxygen. In addition, you will learn about the risks and hazards associated with extended range diving, and how to properly manage these risks.

Upon completion of this course, you will be certified as an SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving Instructor and will be able to teach the SSI Extended Range Nitrox program to students.


SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving Instructor (Bali) Essentials

This course is designed for SSI Instructors who wish to certify their students for diving with nitrox mixtures containing up to 100% oxygen. The course applies to Instructor candidates who are already certified as SSI Open Water Scuba Instructors.

  • Prerequisites

  • Includes

Bali Diving Course Call To Action

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Blow some bubbles with us

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SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving Instructor (Bali) Components

The SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving Instructor (Bali) course is a comprehensive course that covers all aspects of teaching extended range nitrox diving. The course is divided into four parts: academic, practical, instructor development, and instructor examination. The academic portion covers topics such as dive planning, dive physiology, and dive safety. The practical portion covers topics such as dive equipment, dive preparation, and dive execution. The instructor development portion covers topics such as teaching methods, diving psychology, and risk management. The instructor examination is a comprehensive exam that covers all aspects of the course.

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving Instructor (Bali)

Extended Range Nitrox diving is a great way to extend your bottom time and increase your safety while diving. The SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving Instructor (Bali) course will teach you how to safely use nitrox mixtures up to 100% oxygen for diving. Here are 5 reasons why you should take this course:

1. Learn how to safely use nitrox mixtures up to 100% oxygen for diving.

The main reason to use SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving Instructor is because it allows divers to safely use nitrox mixtures up to 100% oxygen for diving. This can be beneficial for a number of reasons, including reducing the risk of decompression sickness and increasing bottom time.

2. Increase your bottom time and safety while diving.

By becoming a SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving Instructor, you will be able to teach divers how to safely use nitrox mixtures with an oxygen content up to 40%. This will allow divers to stay underwater for longer periods of time, and will also help to improve their safety while diving.

3. Learn about gas management and dive planning for extended range diving.

Extended range diving is a type of diving that involves dives that are deeper than 130 feet (40 meters). These types of dives require special gas mixes, and extra safety precautions. Extended range diving is typically only done by experienced divers who have the proper training and equipment.

4. Get certified to teach other divers extended range nitrox diving.


5. Have a great time diving in Bali!

With SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving Instructor (Bali), you can safely and easily dive to depths of up to 40 metres using nitrox mixtures. This is perfect for exploring the many amazing dive sites that Bali has to offer.

SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving Instructor (Bali) Topics

The SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving Instructor Course will teach you how to safely and effectively lead dives using Nitrox mixtures with an increased percentage of oxygen.
You will learn how to plan and execute extended range dives, using Nitrox mixtures and specialised equipment.

Extended range diving is a type of diving that requires the use of specialized equipment and training in order to safely execute dives beyond the limits of conventional scuba diving. This includes the use of Nitrox mixtures and specialised diving equipment such as rebreathers.

You will learn about the different types of decompression sickness, and how to manage and treat the condition.

Decompression sickness occurs when divers descend too quickly and the pressure on their bodies is not equalized. This can cause bubbles to form in the blood and tissues, which can block blood flow and cause serious damage.

There are two types of decompression sickness:

-Type I is less serious and is characterised by symptoms such as joint pain, fatigue and rashes.

-Type II is more serious and can cause paralysis, strokes and even death.

Treatment for decompression sickness includes recompression in a chamber, which helps to reduce the pressure on the body and allow the bubbles to dissipate. Oxygen therapy may also be given to help relieve symptoms.

You will learn about emergency oxygen administration, and how to use it to treat divers suffering from decompression sickness.

Emergency oxygen administration is a key skill for any nitrox diving instructor. In this lesson, you will learn how to use emergency oxygen to treat divers suffering from decompression sickness. You will also learn about the different types of emergency oxygen systems, and how to choose the right one for your needs.

You will learn about the use of Nitrox mixtures in technical diving, and how to plan and execute dives using these mixtures.

You will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of using Nitrox mixtures in technical diving, and how to plan and execute dives using these mixtures. You will also learn about the dangers of using Nitrox mixtures, and how to avoid them.