SSI Extended Range Sidemount Diving (Bali)

SSI Extended Range Sidemount Diving (Bali) Course
Price: $

This SSI Extended Range Sidemount Diving course in Bali will take your diving skills to the next level by teaching you how to properly and safely use sidemount diving gear. You will learn about the different types of sidemount diving gear, how to set it up and use it properly, and how to troubleshoot and solve common problems. The course will also teach you about the different types of extended range diving, including deep diving, night diving, and decompression diving. You will learn how to plan and execute extended range dives safely and efficiently, and how to deal with any problems that may arise. By the end of the course, you will be able to confidently and safely use sidemount diving gear to dive to depths of up to 40 meters.


SSI Extended Range Sidemount Diving (Bali) Essentials

Looking to take your diving skills to the next level? Then look no further than our SSI Extended Range Sidemount Diving course in Bali!

During this course, you’ll learn how to safely and effectively dive using sidemount gear, as well as how to navigate in low-visibility conditions. You’ll also get the chance to explore some of Bali’s most beautiful and remote dive sites.

So if you’re looking for an adventure and want to learn more about sidemount diving, then this is the course for you!

  • Prerequisites

  • Includes

Bali Diving Course Call To Action

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SSI Extended Range Sidemount Diving (Bali) Components

The SSI Extended Range Sidemount Diving (Bali) course is a 4-day course that covers the theory, skills and techniques required to safely conduct extended range sidemount dives. The course includes 4 training dives, with the first dive being a shallow water familiarisation dive and the remaining 3 dives conducted at increasingly deeper depths. The course covers topics such as dive planning, gas management, decompression theory and emergency procedures. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be certified as SSI Extended Range Sidemount Divers.

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn SSI Extended Range Sidemount Diving (Bali)

Divers who are looking to take their diving to the next level should consider taking the SSI Extended Range Sidemount Diving course. This course will provide divers with the skills and knowledge necessary to safely and effectively dive in sidemount configuration at depths greater than 40 meters. Here are 5 reasons why divers should take this course:

1. Learn how to safely and effectively dive in sidemount configuration at depths greater than 40 meters.

The SSI Extended Range Sidemount Diving course teaches you how to safely and effectively dive in sidemount configuration at depths greater than 40 meters. This course is designed for divers who want to extend their depth range in sidemount diving, and learn how to safely dive to greater depths.

2. Understand the physics and physiology of diving deeper than 40 meters.

The physics of diving deeper than 40 meters is more complicated than that of shallower diving. The main reason for this is that the deeper you dive, the more pressure you are under. This pressure can cause problems with your lungs and other organs, so it is important to understand the physics of deep diving before attempting it.

The main difference between deep diving and shallow diving is the amount of pressure you are under. The deeper you dive, the more pressure you are under. This pressure can cause problems with your lungs and other organs, so it is important to understand the physics of deep diving before attempting it.

Some of the dangers of deep diving include decompression sickness, nitrogen narcosis, and oxygen toxicity. Decompression sickness occurs when the pressure changes too quickly and the body cannot adjust. This can cause serious health problems, including paralysis and death. Nitrogen narcosis occurs when the nitrogen in the air you are breathing becomes dissolved in your bloodstream. This can cause dizziness, confusion, and even unconsciousness. Oxygen toxicity occurs when the oxygen in the air you are breathing becomes toxic to your body. This can cause seizures, respiratory failure, and even death.

Deep diving is a dangerous activity and should only be attempted by experienced divers with

3. Gain experience in using sidemount diving equipment.

The SSI Extended Range Sidemount Diving course in Bali is the perfect way to gain experience in using sidemount diving equipment. This course will teach you how to safely and effectively use sidemount diving gear, and will give you the opportunity to practice your skills in a real-world setting. You’ll learn how to set up and use your sidemount diving gear, how to safely dive with a partner, and how to effectively communicate underwater. This course is perfect for those who want to learn how to use sidemount diving gear, or for those who want to improve their sidemount diving skills.

4. Get training from experienced SSI instructors.


5. Earn an SSI Extended Range Sidemount Diving certification.

The SSI Extended Range Sidemount Diving certification is a great way to learn how to dive using sidemount gear. This certification will give you the skills and knowledge you need to safely and effectively dive using sidemount gear.

SSI Extended Range Sidemount Diving (Bali) Topics

The benefits of Extended Range Sidemount Diving
The techniques you'll learn in Extended Range Sidemount Diving

In Extended Range Sidemount Diving, you’ll learn how to use your sidemount diving gear to safely and effectively dive in extended range conditions. You’ll also learn advanced sidemount diving techniques that will help you navigate and safely return from these challenging dives.

The dangers of Extended Range Sidemount Diving

Extended Range Sidemount Diving, while offering many benefits, comes with some inherent dangers. One of the biggest dangers is that, due to the extra equipment and gas that is carried, an Extended Range Sidemount diver is much more likely to become entangled and/or trapped underwater. This can obviously lead to serious injury or even death. Another danger is that, due to the increased gas volume, an Extended Range Sidemount diver is also much more likely to experience a gas embolism. Gas embolisms can be extremely dangerous and even fatal. Therefore, it is extremely important that Extended Range Sidemount divers are properly trained and experienced before attempting this type of diving.

The risks of Extended Range Sidemount Diving

1. Divers can exceed their no-stop time limits

Extended Range Sidemount Diving (ERSD) involves diving to depths greater than 60 metres/200 feet, which often requires the use of enriched air nitrox and/or helium-based breathing gases. These gases allow divers to stay down for longer periods of time, but they also come with an increased risk of decompression sickness (DCS).

Divers who exceed their no-stop time limits are at an increased risk of DCS, and this is especially true for those diving on enriched air nitrox or helium-based breathing gases. When using these gases, it is important to follow all safety procedures and limits to avoid exceeding your no-stop time and incurring a potentially serious injury.

2. Divers can become lost or disoriented

ERSD can often take place in low-visibility conditions, and this can increase the risk of becoming lost or disoriented. It is important to have a good understanding of your dive site before attempting an ERSD dive, and to always use a dive reel or guideline when diving in low-visibility conditions.

3. Divers can run out of air

Due to the increased depth and gas consumption

The rewards of Extended Range Sidemount Diving

Author: SSI Bali

Extended Range Sidemount Diving is one of the most rewarding and challenging forms of diving. It requires a special set of skills and knowledge, as well as a higher level of physical fitness.

Extended Range Sidemount Diving is a great way to explore the underwater world, and to see things that most people never get to see. It is also a great way to meet new friends and to learn about different cultures.

Extended Range Sidemount Diving is a great way to challenge yourself, and to push your limits. It is also a great way to learn new skills and to expand your knowledge of the underwater world.