SSI Extended Range Wreck Diving (Bali)

SSI Extended Range Wreck Diving (Bali) Course
Price: $

This course is designed for certified divers who want to extend their range and dive deeper than ever before. You will learn to safely dive to depths of up to 40 metres, using specialised diving equipment and techniques.

The course will take place in Bali, Indonesia, where you will have the opportunity to explore some of the world’s most beautiful and pristine reefs. You will also have the chance to see some of the amazing wrecks that lie in the deeper waters off the coast of Bali.

This course is the perfect way to take your diving to the next level and see some of the most amazing underwater scenery that the world has to offer.


SSI Extended Range Wreck Diving (Bali) Essentials

This course is designed for qualified wreck divers who are interested in learning how to safely and effectively dive on wrecks located in deeper waters. Students will learn about the unique challenges and hazards associated with extended range wreck diving, and how to properly plan and execute dives on these types of wrecks. The course includes both classroom and in-water training, and is conducted over four days.

  • Prerequisites

  • Includes

Bali Diving Course Call To Action

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SSI Extended Range Wreck Diving (Bali) Components

The SSI Extended Range Wreck Diving (Bali) course is designed to teach divers how to safely and effectively dive on wrecks at depths beyond 60 feet. The course includes four dives, two of which are conducted on wrecks. Students will learn about the dangers of wreck diving, gas management, and line-handler safety. The course also covers emergency procedures for dealing with out-of-air situations and entrapment.

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn SSI Extended Range Wreck Diving (Bali)

Divers who want to explore the amazing world of wrecks should take the SSI Extended Range Wreck Diving (Bali) course. This course will teach you the skills you need to safely and effectively dive on wrecks, and will also give you the chance to explore some of the most amazing wrecks in the world. Here are 5 reasons why you should take this course:

1. You'll learn how to safely and effectively dive on wrecks.

SSI Extended Range Wreck Diving (Bali) teaches divers how to safely and effectively dive on wrecks. The course covers a variety of topics, including how to safely enter and exit a wreck, how to navigate through a wreck, and how to deal with potential hazards.

2. You'll explore some of the most amazing wrecks in the world.

The SSI Extended Range Wreck Diving (Bali) course is an excellent way to explore some of the most amazing wrecks in the world. These wrecks are often located in remote areas, so the course provides you with the necessary training to safely and effectively dive them.

3. You'll learn about the history and archaeology of wrecks.

The SSI Extended Range Wreck Diving course in Bali will teach you about the history and archaeology of wrecks in the area. You’ll learn about the different types of wrecks, how to identify them, and how to properly explore and document them. This course is perfect for anyone interested in learning more about shipwrecks and their importance to maritime history.

4. You'll learn how to use specialised wreck diving equipment.


5. You'll earn an internationally-recognised certification.

The SSI Extended Range Wreck Diving (Bali) certification will allow you to dive to greater depths on wrecks, and explore them in greater detail. This is an internationally-recognised qualification which will give you the skills and knowledge to safely and confidently explore wrecks at depths beyond the recreational limit.

SSI Extended Range Wreck Diving (Bali) Topics

The SSI Extended Range Wreck Diving (Bali) course covers a wide range of topics related to wreck diving, including safety, equipment, and techniques.
Students will learn about the different types of wrecks, how to identify them, and the hazards associated with each.

The first thing that students will learn about in this lesson is the different types of wrecks. There are four main types of wrecks: cargo, passenger, tanker, and military. Each type of wreck has its own unique hazards that divers need to be aware of.

Cargo wrecks are usually large and can be very deep. They often have a lot of debris around them, which can make it difficult to navigate. Passenger wrecks are usually shallower and have more open spaces. Tanker wrecks are usually very large and can be very deep. They often have a lot of oil and chemicals around them, which can be hazardous. Military wrecks are usually smaller and can be shallow or deep. They often have a lot of explosives on them, which can be very dangerous.

After students have learned about the different types of wrecks, they will learn how to identify them. There are four main ways to identify a wreck: by its shape, by its location, by its contents, and by its history.

Shape: Wrecks can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical. Symmetrical wrecks are usually man-made, while asymmetrical wrecks are usually natural.

Location: Wrecks can be

Students will also learn about the different types of equipment used in wreck diving, and how to properly use and care for it.

In this lesson, students will learn about the different types of equipment used in wreck diving, and how to properly use and care for it. Wreck diving can be dangerous, so it is important to have the proper equipment and know how to use it.

Finally, students will learn a variety of techniques for safely and effectively diving on wrecks, including line-handler techniques, search patterns, and communication.

The SSI Extended Range Wreck Diving (Bali) lesson will teach students a variety of techniques for safely and effectively diving on wrecks, including line-handler techniques, search patterns, and communication. Students will also learn how to use a variety of tools and equipment to safely explore and document wrecks.

The SSI Extended Range Wreck Diving (Bali) course is an excellent way to learn about wreck diving, and to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to safely and effectively dive on wrecks.

The SSI Extended Range Wreck Diving (Bali) course is an excellent way to learn about wreck diving, and to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to safely and effectively dive on wrecks. The course covers a wide range of topics, including:

– Wreck diving safety
– Wreck dive planning
– Wreck dive equipment
– Wreck dive procedures
– Wreck dive hazards
– Wreck dive emergency procedures

By the end of the course, students will have the skills and knowledge necessary to safely and effectively dive on wrecks.