SSI Freediving Level I (Bali)

SSI Freediving Level I (Bali) Course
Price: $

SSI Freediving Level I is the perfect course for those ready for the plunge to start doing freediving and becoming more comfortable in the water. This course will teach you all the basics of freediving, including proper breathing techniques, equalization, and safety procedures. You will also have the opportunity to practice your freediving skills in a variety of different environments, including the open water. By the end of the course, with practise, you will be able to safely freedive to a depth between 10 – 20 meters.


SSI Freediving Level I (Bali) Essentials

Do you want to learn how to freedive? Join us for our SSI Freediving Level I course in Bali! This course is perfect for beginners and will teach you everything you need to know about freediving, from proper breathing techniques to equalization. You’ll also get to experience the amazing underwater world of Bali!

  • Prerequisites

  • Includes

Bali Diving Course Call To Action

Don't hold your breath

Blow some bubbles with us

Start now!

SSI Freediving Level I (Bali) Components

The SSI Freediving Level I course is designed to introduce students to the sport of freediving and provide them with the skills and knowledge necessary to safely freedive to depths between 10 – 20 meters. The course is comprised of four parts:

1. Classroom: The classroom portion of the course covers the basic theory of freediving, including physiology, safety procedures, and freedive planning.

2. Breathing session: This is a practical training session on land to understand breathing techniques where you will calm your mind and focus on your breathe. With much practise to also train your lung capacity.

3. Pool: The pool session is designed to give students the opportunity to practice freediving techniques in a safe and controlled environment. Students will practise breath-hold techniques, equalization, finning techniques and emergency procedures. You will complete at least 2 pool/confined water sessions.

4. Open Water: The open water sessions are where students put their newly learned skills to the test. Students will make at least two dives to push depths between 10 – 20 meters, with the goal of becoming comfortable and confident in their abilities.

5. Final Exam: The final exam is a written exam that tests students’ knowledge of the material covered in the course. Upon successful completion of the exam, students will receive their SSI Freediving Level I certification.

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn SSI Freediving Level I (Bali)

If you want to learn how to freedive in some of the most beautiful waters in the world, then the SSI Freediving Level I (Bali) course is for you! Here are 5 reasons why you should take the course:

1. You will learn how to freedive safely and confidently in shallow water.

The SSI Freediving Level I (Bali) course is perfect for those who want to learn how to freedive safely and confidently in shallow water. This course will teach you the basic skills and knowledge you need to freedive safely and confidently, including how to equalize your ears, how to hold your breath, and how to safely descend and ascend.

2. You will learn how to equalize your ears and descent properly to avoid barotrauma.

With SSI Freediving Level I (Bali), you will learn how to connect your mind and body. Your body reacts subconsciously to your mind with every breathe. Meditation techniques tap into the skills foundation of what you need for this course.

3. You will learn breath-holding techniques that will help you stay underwater longer.

SSI Freediving Level I (Bali) is a great course for those looking to improve their breath-holding abilities. The course teaches students how to effectively hold their breath for longer periods of time, allowing them to stay underwater for extended periods. This is an invaluable skill for those interested in freediving, as it allows them to explore the underwater world more thoroughly and for longer periods of time.

4. You will learn how to identify and avoid common freediving hazards.

The most common freediving hazard is shallow water blackout, which can occur when a freediver ascends too quickly and doesn’t equalize the pressure in their lungs. This can cause them to pass out, with the risk of drowning. Other hazards include entanglement in freediving line, getting caught in currents, and running out of air.

With SSI Freediving Level I, you will learn how to identify and avoid these hazards. You will also learn proper breathing techniques and safety procedures to help keep you safe while freediving.

5. You will have the opportunity to freedive in some of the most beautiful waters in the world!

With SSI Freediving Level I (Bali), you will have the opportunity to freedive in some of the most beautiful waters in the world! Freediving in Bali will allow you to explore the underwater world in a completely new way and to see some of the most amazing marine life up close.

SSI Freediving Level I (Bali) Topics

Understanding the freediving equipment and its proper usage
Understanding the physiology of freediving

Freediving is an activity that takes place in an environment where you rely on your breath-holding technique with the freedom of bringing SCUBA equipment. For this reason, it is important to understand the physiology of freediving in order to be safe and successful.

The human body is designed to store oxygen in the blood and tissues. However, when we freedive, we consider the carbon dioxide built-up that triggers us to breathe. This is because we are using our lung capacity to propel the freedive.

The body responds to the Carbon Dioxide built-up by triggering the need to breathe; increasing the heart rate and releasing more oxygen from the blood into the tissues. This allows us to keep going for a little while, but eventually the body will reach a point where it can no longer keep up with the demand.

There are a few things that we can do to optimise your body functions. First, we can make sure that we are well-rested before we freedive. This will help to ensure that our bodies have a good supply of oxygen to start with.

Second, we can slowly increase the amount of time that we spend underwater and depth, allowing your bodies to learn the potentials of your capacity.

Learning to identify and control your personal limits

In SSI Freediving Level I, you will learn to identify and extend your personal limits with control. This is an important skill for any freediver, as it allows you to stay safe while freediving.

You will learn about the different ways to measure your personal limits, and how to use these measurements to help you control your freediving limits. You will also learn about the different techniques that you can use to stay safe while freediving.

Understanding the importance of safety in freediving

Freediving is an amazing activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities. However, it is important to understand the importance of safety when freediving. There are a few simple safety guidelines that should be followed in order to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

First and foremost, it is important to never freedive alone. Always have a buddy with you who is also a qualified freediver. This way, in an unlikely event of an incident, there will be someone there to help.

Second, always make sure you are well-rested before freediving. This will help to prevent any fatigue-related issues.

Third, listen to your body and don’t push yourself beyond your limits. If you start to feel uncomfortable, it is time to surface and it is okay to try again after.

Finally, always have a safety line attached to you when freediving for depths. This will help to prevent you from getting lost or separated from your course.

By following these simple safety guidelines, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable freediving experience for everyone involved.

Learning to freedive in different environments

One of the great things about freediving is that it can be done in a variety of different environments. Whether you’re in the ocean, a pool, or even a lake, there are ways to freedive and have a great time.

In this section, we’ll cover some of the basics of learning to freedive in different environments. We’ll start with the ocean, as it is the most popular place to freedive. Then, we’ll move on to pools and lakes.

The ocean is the most popular place to freedive, and for good reason. There is something special about being able to freedive in the open water, surrounded by the beauty of the underwater world.

When you’re first starting out, it’s important to find a good spot to freedive. You want to find a place with water with relatively good visibility and ideally not too much waves or currents. Once you’ve found a good spot, you can start practicing your freediving.

One of the most important things to remember when freediving in the ocean is safety. Make sure you always have a buddy with you, and never freedive alone. It’s also important to be aware of the conditions and know your limits.