SSI Full Cave Diving (Bali)

SSI Full Cave Diving (Bali) Course
Price: $

This course is designed for certified divers who want to extend their diving skills and knowledge to include full cave diving. The course is conducted in a purpose-built, on-land cave diving training facility where participants will learn and practice all the skills necessary for safe and confident cave diving.

The course includes both classroom and in-water sessions, and covers topics such as dive planning, gas management, line-handling, and emergency procedures. Participants will also have the opportunity to experience full cave diving in a safe and controlled environment, under the supervision of experienced instructors.

Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be certified as SSI Full Cave Divers and will be able to safely and confidently dive in caves anywhere in the world.


SSI Full Cave Diving (Bali) Essentials

This ultimate cave diving course in Bali will take your diving skills to new depths! Learn how to safely and effectively dive in caves, and explore some of the most stunning underwater cave systems in the world. This course is perfect for experienced divers who want to take their diving to the next level.

  • Prerequisites

  • Includes

Bali Diving Course Call To Action

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SSI Full Cave Diving (Bali) Components

The SSI Full Cave Diving (Bali) course is a comprehensive course that covers all aspects of cave diving. The course starts with an introduction to cave diving, followed by a series of lectures and practical sessions on topics such as dive planning, gas management, line-handling, and emergency procedures. The course also includes a series of confined water and open water dives, culminating in a series of cave dives.

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn SSI Full Cave Diving (Bali)

A diver should take the SSI Full Cave Diving (Bali) course for many reasons. Here are just a few:

1. To learn about the special safety procedures and equipment required for cave diving.

Cave diving is a type of diving that requires special safety procedures and equipment. This is because cave diving is a more dangerous activity than regular diving. Cave diving can be very dangerous because it is easy to get lost in a cave, and there is a risk of getting trapped underwater.

2. To gain an understanding of the unique challenges posed by cave diving environments.

Cave diving environments are characterized by their isolated and often dangerous nature. Full cave diving courses aim to provide divers with the skills and knowledge necessary to safely explore these environments.

The course begins with a thorough introduction to cave diving, covering topics such as safety, equipment, and line-handling. Students then spend time in the classroom learning about basic cave diving principles. The course then progresses to in-water training, where students learn how to safely enter and exit a cave, navigate through the cave, and deal with emergency situations.

3. To develop the skills necessary to safely and confidently explore caves.

The main reason to get SSI Full Cave Diving (Bali) certified is to develop the skills necessary to safely and confidently explore caves. This certification will give you the ability to safely enter and exit caves, as well as navigate through them.

4. To learn how to properly map and document caves.


5. To gain experience in managing and deploying cave diving teams.

The main reason to take a SSI Full Cave Diving course in Bali is to gain experience in managing and deploying cave diving teams. This course will teach you how to safely and effectively manage a team of cave divers, as well as how to deploy them in a variety of situations.

SSI Full Cave Diving (Bali) Topics

Cave systems in Bali
Cave diving hazards and how to avoid them

There are a few key cave diving hazards to be aware of, and taking steps to avoid them can help make your experience safer and more enjoyable.

One hazard to be aware of is silt out. This occurs when the water in the cave is disturbed, and the silt and sediment that has settled on the floor is stirred up. This can quickly reduce visibility, and make it difficult to navigate. To avoid this, be careful not to kick up the bottom, and be mindful of your fins.

Another hazard is getting lost. It is easy to become disoriented in a cave, especially if the visibility is low. Make sure to bring a guide line with you, and pay attention to any landmarks that can help you orient yourself. If you do get lost, stay calm and follow the guide line back to the entrance.

Finally, one of the most dangerous hazards in cave diving is running out of air. Because caves are often long and winding, it is important to make sure you have enough air to get to the exit. Make sure to check your air supply often, and never enter a cave without a buddy who can help you if you run into trouble.

Emergency procedures for cave diving

1. If you are diving with a buddy, always stay close to each other and maintain communication.

2. If you get lost, do not panic. Try to retrace your steps and if you still cannot find your way out, use your dive light to signal for help.

3. If you run out of air, do not panic. Immediately ascend to the nearest safe place and surface. If you cannot find your way out, use your dive light to signal for help.

4. If you see another diver in distress, do not hesitate to offer assistance.

Map reading and navigation for cave diving

Map reading and navigation is an important skill for cave diving, as it allows divers to safely navigate through caves. By understanding how to read and interpret maps, divers can plan their dives and avoid getting lost in caves. There are many different types of maps available for cave diving, including topographic maps, 3D maps, and GPS maps.

How to plan and conduct a safe and successful cave diving expedition

Organizing and conducting a safe and successful cave diving expedition requires careful planning and a great deal of experience.

The first step is to choose a destination that has been thoroughly explored and is known to be safe. Once a destination is chosen, the next step is to gather a team of experienced cave divers who are familiar with the area and the conditions that may be encountered.

It is also important to have a comprehensive understanding of the local geology, hydrology, and biology of the cave system. This information can help the team to plan their dive routes and to anticipate any potential hazards.

The team should also have a comprehensive emergency plan in place in case something goes wrong. This plan should include a way to contact emergency services, as well as a plan for evacuating the cave if necessary.

Cave diving is a dangerous activity, and it is important to always err on the side of caution. By following these steps, you can help to ensure that your cave diving expedition is safe and successful.