SSI Instructor Trainer (Bali)

SSI Instructor Trainer (Bali) Course
Price: $

SSI Instructor Trainer is considered one of the highest achievements in your dive professional journey. The successful candidates needs to prove high level of professionalism, dive skills, knowledge and sharp instincts on dive evaulation. Upon training completion, you will need to pass the exams and successful demonstration of skills and verified by a SSI International Training Cerifier.

This course is designed for those who wish to become an SSI Instructor Trainer. The course will cover all of the necessary topics to prepare you for your new role, including teaching techniques, training methods, and instructional resources. In addition, you will have the opportunity to practice your new skills with other instructors and trainees. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be certified as an SSI Instructor Trainer and be able to teach SSI courses at any authorized training center.


SSI Instructor Trainer (Bali) Essentials

This five-day SSI Instructor Trainer course will take your professional development to the next level, preparing you to teach SSI Instructor courses and train new instructors. The course is held in Bali, Indonesia, and includes five days of intensive training, followed by a two-day practical examination.

  • Prerequisites

  • Includes

Bali Diving Course Call To Action

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SSI Instructor Trainer (Bali) Components

The SSI Instructor Trainer course consists of four main components:

1. The Instructor Development Course (IDC)
2. The Instructor Examination (IE)
3. The Instructor Trainer Course (ITC)
4. The Instructor Trainer Examination (ITE)

The Instructor Development Course (IDC) is a five-day course that covers all the necessary skills and knowledge required to become a successful SSI Instructor.

The Instructor Examination (IE) is a two-day examination that tests the instructor candidate’s knowledge and skills learned during the IDC.

The Instructor Trainer Course (ITC) is a five-day course that covers all the necessary skills and knowledge required to become a successful SSI Instructor Trainer.

The Instructor Trainer Examination (ITE) is a two-day examination that tests the instructor trainer candidate’s knowledge and skills learned during the ITC.

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn SSI Instructor Trainer (Bali)

Divers who want to become instructors should take the SSI Instructor Trainer (Bali) course. The course will provide them with the knowledge and skills they need to become an instructor. The following are five reasons why a diver should take the SSI Instructor Trainer (Bali) course:

1. The course will allow the diver to learn about the SSI Instructor training program.

The course will allow the diver to learn about the SSI Instructor training program. The program will provide the diver with the knowledge and skills necessary to become an Instructor. The course will also provide the diver with the opportunity to learn about the SSI Instructor training program and how to apply it to their own diving instruction.

2. The diver will learn how to teach SSI courses.

The diver will gain an in-depth understanding of the SSI training system and how to effectively teach SSI courses. The diver will also learn how to manage a classroom and provide quality instruction.

3. The diver will learn about the SSI Instructor Certification process.

The SSI Instructor Certification process is designed to ensure that instructors are properly trained and qualified to teach scuba diving. The process includes a written and practical examination, as well as a review of the instructor’s teaching materials.

4. The diver will learn about the SSI Instructor Liability Insurance program.


5. The diver will learn about the SSI Instructor Continuing Education program.

The SSI Instructor Continuing Education program helps instructors stay current on the latest teaching techniques and updates. This helps ensure that instructors are able to provide the best possible instruction to their students.

SSI Instructor Trainer (Bali) Topics

Dive Theory and Physiology
Dive Planning and Management

Instructor: [Peter Knowles]

This is a sample Instructor Trainer lesson on Dive Planning and Management.

Lesson Objectives

– To understand the factors that need to be considered when planning a dive
– To be able to develop a dive plan
– To understand the importance of dive management

Key Points

– The main factors to consider when planning a dive are the dive site, the dive team, the environmental conditions and the objectives of the dive
– A dive plan should be developed before each dive, and should be based on the dive site, the dive team, the environmental conditions and the objectives of the dive
– Dive management is the process of ensuring that the dive is conducted safely and in accordance with the dive plan

Emergency Procedures

‘- Review emergency procedures with students
– Emphasize the importance of following emergency procedures
– Go over the steps of each emergency procedure
– Encourage students to ask questions about emergency procedures

Teaching Methods

There are many different ways to teach SSI courses, and each Instructor has their own unique teaching style. In this section we will cover some common methods used by Instructor Trainers to deliver SSI Instructor training courses.

One popular method is the use of PowerPoint presentations. PowerPoint can be used to deliver lectures, as well as to provide visual aids for practical exercises. Another common method is the use of video. Video can be used to demonstrate skills, or to provide an overview of a particular topic.

When teaching practical skills, it is often helpful to use physical models or props. This can help students to understand the concepts being taught, and to see how they are applied in the real world.

It is also important to provide opportunities for students to practice what they have learned. This can be done through classroom exercises, or by providing real-world scenarios for them to apply their knowledge to.

No matter what methods are used, it is important that the Instructor is clear, concise, and organized. This will help to ensure that the students are able to understand the material, and to apply it in their own lives.


Professionalism is the conduct, aims or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or professional person.

A professional is somebody who has undergone extensive training in their chosen field and who meets certain standards of competence and ethics. They are usually members of a professional body or association which regulates their activities.

The concept of professionalism is often discussed in terms of what it means for an individual, but it can also be applied to organizations. A professional organization is one that is committed to maintaining high standards of practice and ethics and which supports and develops its members.