SSI Scuba Skills Update (Bali)

SSI Scuba Skills Update (Bali) Course
Price: $60.00

Looking to stay up-to-date on your scuba skills while enjoying a beautiful tropical destination? Then look no further than SSI Scuba Skills Update in Bali! This program is the perfect way to brush up on your skills and knowledge, while enjoying all that Bali has to offer.

During your stay, you will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of skills and knowledge development sessions, led by our experienced SSI Instructor team. You will also have plenty of time to explore all that Bali has to offer, both above and below the water.

Here are just a few of the highlights of the SSI Scuba Skills Update program:

-Daily morning skills and knowledge development sessions
-Afternoon and evening free time to explore Bali
-5 boat dives, including 2 night dives
-Unlimited shore diving
-All equipment rental included

So what are you waiting for? Sign up today for the SSI Scuba Skills Update program in Bali!


SSI Scuba Skills Update (Bali) Essentials

SSI Scuba Skills Update is an essential course for scuba diving enthusiasts. This course updates your scuba diving skills and knowledge so that you can stay safe while diving.

  • Prerequisites

    • Be at least 10 years of age or older
    • Be a certified diver or non-certified diver that has completed all pool training dives
  • Includes

    • 1 Pool Session
    • Full Set Diving Equipment For Entire Course
    • Dive Professional Fees
Bali Diving Course Call To Action

Don't hold your breath

Blow some bubbles with us

Start now!

SSI Scuba Skills Update (Bali) Components

The SSI Scuba Skills Update course is designed to help divers refresh their skills and knowledge in a safe and fun environment. The course includes four main components:

– Classroom session: During this session, divers will review key safety information and dive theory.

– Pool session: In the pool, divers will practice key safety skills, such as emergency ascent and regulator recovery.

– Ocean dive: Divers will put their skills to the test during an open water dive, exploring the amazing underwater world of Bali.

– debrief: After the dive, divers will debrief with their instructor to discuss their experience and ask any questions they may have.

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn SSI Scuba Skills Update (Bali)

If you’re a certified diver who wants to update your skills or refresh your knowledge, the SSI Scuba Skills Update (Bali) course is a great option. Here are five reasons why:

1. You'll learn about the latest safety procedures and dive equipment.

The SSI Scuba Skills Update (Bali) is a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest safety procedures and dive equipment. This course is perfect for those who want to refresh their skills or learn about new diving gear.

2. You'll gain a better understanding of dive theory and physics.

The SSI Scuba Skills Update (Bali) course is designed to help divers gain a better understanding of dive theory and physics. The course covers topics such as dive planning, dive tables, dive computers, and gas laws. The course also includes a series of skills workshops that help divers practice and refine their diving skills.

3. You'll hone your dive skills and rescue techniques.

The Scuba Skills Update (Bali) is a great way to keep your dive skills sharp and rescue techniques up to date. The update course is designed to give you a thorough review of all the basic scuba skills, as well as to introduce you to some new skills and techniques.

4. You'll explore new dive sites and meet new dive buddies.

With SSI Scuba Skills Update (Bali), you’ll have the opportunity to explore new dive sites and meet new dive buddies. This is a great way to improve your diving skills and knowledge, while also enjoying the company of others who share your passion for diving.

5. You'll have a great time and create lasting memories!

This scuba skills update course is perfect for those who want to stay sharp on their diving skills while enjoying the beautiful underwater scenery of Bali. You will have the opportunity to brush up on your scuba skills with the help of a professional instructor, while also enjoying the company of other scuba enthusiasts. This is a great way to create lasting memories and have a great time while doing it!

SSI Scuba Skills Update (Bali) Topics

Dive Theory
Dive Equipment

SSI Scuba Skills Update is a scuba diving program designed to help divers keep their skills and knowledge up to date. The program consists of four parts: knowledge development, water skills, rescue skills, and dive planning.

Emergency Procedures

Updating your scuba diving skills is important to ensure you are prepared for any emergency that may occur while diving. There are a few things you can do to update your skills, including taking a scuba diving course, reading diving magazines, and talking to other divers.

Taking a scuba diving course is a great way to refresh your skills and learn about any new emergency procedures that may have been developed since you last dove. You can also read diving magazines to stay up-to-date on new safety procedures and equipment. Finally, talking to other divers is a great way to learn about their experiences and what they have done in an emergency situation.

Dive Sites

The SSI Scuba Skills Update is a great way to keep your scuba diving skills sharp. This course is designed for certified divers who want to stay current with their diving skills. The course includes a review of dive safety procedures, underwater communication, and problem management. You will also have the opportunity to practice some of the skills you learned in your original scuba certification course.

Dive Tables

Dive tables are used to plan scuba dives and to find out how long a diver can stay underwater without coming up for air. The tables give the depths and durations that a diver can stay at without needing to decompress, or stop at a shallower depth to let off excess nitrogen that has built up in their body.

Dive tables are based on dive profiles, which are created by diving experts. The profiles take into account things like the depth of the dive, the type of dive, and the amount of time that the diver will be underwater. The tables are then created based on these profiles, and they help divers to plan their dives and to stay safe while underwater.

Dive tables are an important part of scuba diving, and they can help divers to stay safe and to plan their dives effectively. If you are planning a scuba dive, be sure to consult a dive table before you go underwater.