SSI Wreck Diving Speciality (Bali)

SSI Wreck Diving Speciality (Bali) Course
Price: $140.00

SSI Wreck Diving Specialty Course

Dive into the world of wrecks and learn how to safely explore these underwater treasures! The SSI Wreck Diving Specialty course will teach you the proper techniques for wreck diving, including how to use a compass and dive line to navigate the wreck, how to identify and avoid potential hazards, and how to safely penetrate a wreck. This course is perfect for divers who want to take their diving to the next level and explore some of the world’s most fascinating wrecks.

The SSI Wreck Diving Specialty course includes four dives, and is conducted over two days. The first two dives are conducted in a pool or confined water, to give you the opportunity to practice your skills and get comfortable with the equipment. The second two dives are conducted on a wreck, where you will put your skills to the test.

At the end of the course, you will be certified as an SSI Wreck Diver, and will be able to safely and confidently explore wrecks around the world.


SSI Wreck Diving Speciality (Bali) Essentials

SSI Wreck Diving Speciality is a comprehensive course that will give you the skills and confidence to safely explore wrecks. This course is perfect for divers who want to learn how to safely explore wrecks and for those who want to find out more about the history of shipwrecks. You will learn about the different types of wrecks, how to safely enter and exit a wreck, and how to identify hazards.

  • Prerequisites

    • Be at least 10 years of age or older
    • Be a certified diver
  • Includes

    • SSI Wreck Diving Course Materials
    • SSI Wreck Diving Course e-Card Certification
    • 1 Theory Review Session
    • 2 Open Sea Dives
    • Full Set Diving Equipment For Entire Course
    • Instructor Fees
Bali Diving Course Call To Action

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SSI Wreck Diving Speciality (Bali) Components

The SSI Wreck Diving Speciality course is a comprehensive training program that covers all aspects of wreck diving, from history and identification to safety and salvage. The course is divided into four parts:

1. Wreck Diving Theory
2. Wreck Diving Techniques
3. Wreck Diving Safety
4. Wreck Diving Salvage

Each part of the course is designed to give students the skills and knowledge they need to safely and effectively dive on wrecks. The course includes both classroom and in-water training, and students will have the opportunity to practice their skills on a variety of wrecks in Bali.

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

– Understand the history, identification, and hazards of wrecks
– Plan and execute safe and effective dives on wrecks
– Use specialized techniques to safely explore and photograph wrecks
– Conduct basic wreck salvage operations

Theory class

Bali Diving Courses Theory Classroom

Practical Pool Session

Dive Instructor Journey
Diving Course Bali Pool Compound
Bali Diving Course Pool Equipment Area

Open Sea Dives

Divers on the surface of water ready to dive.
Diving Course Open Water Component
Bali Diving Course Open Water Component 2

Why Learn SSI Wreck Diving Speciality (Bali)

Many good reasons to learn about the SSI Wreck Diving Speciality (Bali), diver would have the opportunity to improve their general diving skills and knowledge. More to that, here are the 5 reasons why you should take SSI Wreck Diving Speciality (Bali).

1. To explore amazing wrecks in Bali

Bali is home to some of the best wrecks in the world. The SSI Wreck Diving Speciality course will teach you how to safely explore these wrecks and see them in all their glory.

2. To learn how to dive safely and efficiently in a wreck environment

The SSI Wreck Diving Specialty (Bali) course is designed to teach divers how to dive safely and efficiently in a wreck environment. The course covers topics such as risk management, dive planning, and line-handling.

3. To improve your buoyancy control and finning techniques

Diving in wrecks can be an amazing experience. It can also be a bit challenging, as you need to be able to control your buoyancy and finning techniques in order to navigate the wreck safely. The SSI Wreck Diving Speciality course will teach you the skills you need to safely dive in wrecks, and also give you the chance to explore some amazing wrecks in Bali.

4. To increase your confidence level in wreck diving

Wreck diving can be an exhilarating experience, but it also comes with some inherent risks. The SSI Wreck Diving Speciality course is designed to give divers the knowledge and skills they need to safely and confidently explore wrecks.

During the course, divers will learn about different types of wrecks, how to safely enter and exit them, and how to navigate them. They will also learn about the potential hazards associated with wreck diving, and how to avoid them. By the end of the course, divers will have a better understanding of how to safely and confidently dive wrecks.

5. To have fun and meet other like-minded divers!

The SSI Wreck Diving Specialty (Bali) is a great way to meet other like-minded divers and have some fun while doing it. The course is designed to give divers the skills and knowledge they need to safely and effectively dive on wrecks.

SSI Wreck Diving Speciality (Bali) Topics

Diving techniques for wreck diving
Navigation and line-handling considerations for wreck diving

Wrecks are often some of the most popular dive sites, as they can provide an interesting glimpse into the past. However, diving on a wreck can also present some unique challenges. It is important to be aware of these challenges before diving on a wreck, as they can help make the experience more enjoyable and safe.

One of the biggest challenges when diving on a wreck is navigation. Wrecks can be large and complex, and it can be easy to get lost. It is important to have a good plan before diving on a wreck, and to be familiar with the layout of the site. A compass can also be helpful for orienting yourself.

Another challenge when diving on a wreck is line-handling. Wrecks are often surrounded by lines, which can be used for guidance and safety. However, lines can also be a hazard if they are not handled properly. It is important to be aware of the lines around a wreck, and to be careful when handling them.

Decompression considerations for wreck diving

Wreck diving is a type of scuba diving that involves exploring underwater wrecks. Wrecks can be anything from ships to planes to cars, and they can be found in both shallow and deep water.

Wreck diving can be dangerous, as there is often debris and entanglement hazards present. It is important to have a good understanding of decompression theory and dive planning when wreck diving.

There are three main types of decompression considerations for wreck diving: air decompression, nitrogen decompression, and oxygen decompression.

Air decompression is necessary when diving to depths greater than 30 meters (100 feet). Nitrogen decompression is necessary when diving to depths greater than 40 meters (130 feet). Oxygen decompression is necessary when diving to depths greater than 50 meters (160 feet).

All three of these decompression considerations must be taken into account when planning a wreck dive. Failure to do so could result in serious injury or death.

Emergency procedures for wreck diving

There are a number of different emergency procedures that may need to be followed when wreck diving, depending on the situation. If you are diving with an instructor, they will be able to guide you through the appropriate steps to take.

If you are diving without an instructor, it is important to be familiar with the different emergency procedures, as well as have a dive plan that you can follow in the event of an emergency.

Some of the emergency procedures that may need to be followed when wreck diving include:

– If you are diving with an instructor, and they signal an emergency, you should follow their instructions.
– If you are diving without an instructor, and you surface and there is no one around, you should signal for help using an emergency signal such as an SOS flag.
– If you are diving without an instructor, and you surface and there is someone around, you should first check to see if they are okay. If they are not, you should then signal for help.
– If you are diving with an instructor, and they are injured, you should help them to the surface and then signal for help.

Planning and organization considerations for wreck diving

Wreck diving is a type of scuba diving that involves exploring underwater wrecks. Wrecks can be shipwrecks, aircraft wrecks, or any other type of man-made or natural structure that lies underwater.

Wreck diving can be dangerous, so it’s important to be well-prepared before attempting a dive. You should always have a plan for your dive, and you should be familiar with the wreck before you attempt to dive it. You should also be aware of the potential hazards associated with wreck diving, such as entrapment, sharp objects, and currents.

When diving a wreck, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings and to use caution. You should never touch or disturb any of the wreckage, as this can be dangerous. You should also be aware of the possibility of entrapment, and always have an escape route planned in case you become trapped.

Wreck diving can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it’s important to be safe and prepared before attempting a dive.